Legal information

The following terms and conditions apply to this website (the "Website") owned by BEVI AB ("BEVI"). By visiting and using the Website, you agree to the following terms:

Below you will find legal information regarding visits to this website. Thank you for reading the contents of this page and agreeing to all terms and conditions when you visit the site. By accessing or using the website you agree to all terms and conditions.


Information on the Website

The content on BEVI's Website is provided in existing form. BEVI strives to provide accurate, complete and up-to-date information, but does not guarantee that, for example, typos, external influences or technical errors can result in inaccuracies. BEVI does not guarantee the correctness, accuracy, reliability or other regarding the content of the Website.

BEVI strives to keep this Website free from computer viruses and other phenomena that may cause users of the Website to be harmed. BEVI wants to make you aware that Internet use is never completely secure and always involves a risk of viruses and other attacks. BEVI therefore urges you to take all necessary precautions when using the Website.

The information on this Website may be changed at any time, for example to comply with applicable legislation, regulations or industry codes. Changes to the Terms of Use shall be considered binding as soon as they have been published. BEVI therefore recommends that you read these Terms of Use each time you visit BEVI's Website.

BEVI is in no way liable for damages, whatever they may be and without exception, neither for any loss of profit, discontinued business nor loss of information, due to the use of or inability to use the Website or the information provided.


The Website may contain links to other websites that are not under the control of BEVI. We are not responsible for the privacy or content of these sites, but provide the links to help BEVI's visitors find more information in specific areas.

If you link to the Website, BEVI would like to ask you to link to the Website's entry page. When linking occurs, all material from the Website must be opened in a separate window and should not be presented in connection with the brand or logo from another website.

Intellectual property rights

The contents of this Website are covered by intellectual property protection through, for example, copyright trademark and corporate law, and belong to BEVI or other rights holders. Users of this Website are not entitled to use the Website content commercially through procedures such as, but not limited to, reproduction, publication and transfer, unless a BEVI has given their consent. However, the content may be reproduced, stored and downloaded for private use, provided that the financial and non-material rights to the material are respected and maintained.

All use of BEVI's characteristics in business operations (such as in advertising and marketing) requires BEVI's consent to this.

Personal data and privacy policies

Below is information about BEVI's processing of your personal data and other information that BEVI may collect by you visiting this Website or when you contact BEVI:

Contact us if you have questions

BEVI Knowledge bank

BEVI's Knowledge bank collects information about our areas of expertise, electric drive systems and power generation.


BEVI is one of the Nordic region's largest companies in the field of electric drive systems and power generation.

We offer a comprehensive range of electric motors, transmission devices, power electronics, coil winding material, starter equipment and perform services of electrical machines.

BEVI AB (headquarters)


Denmark / Export:

Bevivägen 1, 384 30, Blomstermåla, Sweden

© BEVI AB 2024